Project ID:


Proposed by:

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq (PhD) – Asst. Professor/Manager R&D COMSATS Pakistan,


Cell: +923154990008

Location of the effected person:

Fatima Batool d/o Syed Shah Faisal, Village: Sian Da Katha Abbottabad Pakistan

Contact # of the Father of the effete:


Project details:

This call is for a patient named fatima batool (age 08 yrs) d/o syed shah faisal resident of district Abbottabad. She is suffering from aplastic anaemia. Her father cannot afford her treatment cost that is approximately 12 to 15 lakh. Please spread the word among your friends and family members so that maximum help can be provided to our brother and we can make an attempt to get some happiness back in his life; Insha Allah.

Armed Forces Bone Marrow Transplant Center mentioned that the amount has to be submitted in advance but the prerequisites are being operative for the start of the treatment. Moreover the father of Fatimah Batool lost his sole whole sales garments business as he took lot of money out of it due to his daughter’s illness and now the family has lost the financial support and is relying on help for the treatment of their loved young kid; May ALLAH give her health and give her family the courage to face this difficult situation; Aameen.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (sa) said: “A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim – he does not wrong him nor does he forsake him when he is in need; whosoever is fulfilling the needs of his brother, Allah is fulfilling his needs; whosoever removes distress from a believer, Allah removes from him a distress from a distressful aspect of the Day of Resurrection; and whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”  [Muslim and Imam al-Bukhari]

Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations are also acceptable for this Call for donations.

How to donate?

Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to “” with your name, project id and amount donated.

Pakistani donors can use the following account:

Account Title: Sajjad Ali Mushtaq

Bank: Allied Bank

Account #: 0004-001-001569989-001-9


Target: EUR 1500/= (approx. 10% of total estimated cost)

Deadline: till completion

Current status:

Funds from project APPEC-2013-02-18: EUR 98.68/=

EUR 98.68/= (update: 13.03.2013)

EUR 108.09/= (update: 16.03.2013)

EUR 608.09/= (update: 19.03.2013)

EUR 754.44/= (update: 22.03.2013)

EUR 773.51/= (update: 26.03.2013)

EUR 798.51/= (update: 30.03.2013)

EUR 846.56/= (update: 02.04.2013) and PKR 10000/= (update: 02.04.2013) 

EUR 1359.51/= (update: 08.04.2013) and PKR 10000/= (update: 08.04.2013)

EUR 1389.28/= (update: 09.04.2013) and PKR 10000/= (update: 09.04.2013)

EUR 1485.63/= (update: 10.04.2013) and PKR 10000/= (update: 10.04.2013)

Funds released: EUR 1485.10/= and PKR 10000/= (update: 10.04.2013)

Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 0/=

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.