Project ID: APPEC-2011-04-21
Proposed by: Mrs. Kamran, PhD scholar, Netherlands


Call for donations to support an MBA student at Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar.


This is a call for donations to support an MBA student at IMS Peshawar. His parents have been passed away and he cannot afford the expenses of his education. He wasted 5 precious study years of his life due to financial problems. Now, he is about to complete the 1st semester of the 4 semester MBA program. The semester fee for the 2nd semester is due by 15th of May, 2011.

To complete his education, we require an estimated amount of PKR 84,000. He is not entitled to receive zakat so please consider this fact while donating money for this project.

For any further queries regarding this project you can contact Mrs. Kamran at Please contribute to this cause via APPEC platform.

Semester-2:  PKR 25,200/= (deadline: 10th May, 2011)

Semester-3: PKR 32,800/=  (deadline: November, 2011)

Semester-4: PKR 25,200/=  (deadline: May, 2012)

Total target: PKR 83, 200/- (approximately 680 euros)

Funds raising


Deadline: 10th May, 2011

Funds released: EUR 247/= (15.05.2011)


Target: EUR 300/=

Deadline: November 2011

Funds released: EUR 289.10/= (05.11.2011)



Target: EUR 300/=

Deadline: May 2012


Funds released: EUR 250/= (16.05.2012)

Project continued at:


Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.