Project ID: APPEC-2011-04-13
Proposed by: Muhammad Sadiq, PhD student, France.

Dear friends, colleagues, brothers, sisters,
I wish to draw your attention to a cause for your donations and your help for fund-raising. It is about a misfortune which has befallen my acquaintance, Siddique Khan. I have known him for quite some time. He is 25 years old and worked at a gas station (for a very low salary, ~ Rs. 3500/month) before the unfortunate accident. He has a 10 month old daughter and since his father passed away about 4 years ago, he has been the only bread-earner of in his extended family.

Target Amount: 1000€
Proposed Closing Date: May 15th, 2011.

Current Donation Status: EUR 1166.07/=

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.

In December last year, he met an unfortunate road accident in which both of his legs were severely fractured at multiple places. He was initially treated at Complex Hospital Abbottabad, since the accident happened in Abbottabad but later he was transfered to his home village in Nowshera District. Presently he is confined to bed as both of his legs have metal rods inserted in them during the surgery. According to his doctor (Dr. Asad Zia, private hospital in Madan), it will take him a long time (8 – 10 months) to be able to walk again and start some work. Many of our friends have generously helped him in getting the treatment but he needs continued financial support to survive. I have been informed that since a month now, he and his family are passing through very hard time since they are left with absolutely no money.
It is my humble request to all of you to kindly donate as much as you can and to please circulate this call for donation to people around you. Please do not hesitate to ask me (I’m acting as the APPEC project point-person for this donation campaign) for any details/documents and to convey recommendations/suggestions. The personal mobile number of Siddique Khan is +92-300-5772510
Muhammad Sadiq
Email: engineer_sadiq[at]
Tel: +33 634 36 32 61

Note: For methods of donating, please see “Donations” tab on the top of the webpage.

After making any donation please send an e-mail to treasurer[at]
with your name, cause and amount donated, to help APPEC maintain a record and keep you updated on the progress of the cause.