Helping Tailor master to extend the shop

Project ID: APPEC-2016-01-15
Proposed by: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France)
Location: Waan Bhachraan, Mianwali
Email: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com


Ghulam Yaseen, 58 years old, is a tailor master having 4 young children. He is earning for his family since many years. Now to provide better education to his children and for the marriage of her elder daughter, he want to extend his shop and also sell some items related to clothes sewing for example buttons, colorful fabrics, measuring tape, bobbins, buttons, cloth, safety pins, needles, pincushion, thimble, spools of thread etc. In this way he can earn some extra money along with current profession. For this he needs about 50,000 PKR to start this. He is really a poor man and eligible for zakaat.

Please donate with full favor and help him to support his family with full devotion.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is ELIGIBLE to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

Fund Raising:
Target: 500 EUR

Deadline: till completion

How to donate?
You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank accounts in Europe/Pakistan or via Paypal.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Please note that APPEC has CHANGED ITS BANK ACCOUNT since 24th December 2015. Before transferring your donation please ensure that you are using the correct details as given below.

Current status of total funds:
EUR 462.62 (update: 23.03.2016)
EUR 412.62 (update: 20.02.2016)
EUR 332.62 (update: 16.02.2016)
EUR 312.62 (update: 11.02.2016)
EUR 100.00 (update: 01.02.2016)
EUR 00.00 (update: 15.01.2016)

Funds released: EUR 500 (update: 23.03.2016) [PKR 50000]
Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.