Helping a factory gate keeper to return his loan

Project ID: APPEC-2017-09-16

APPEC Project Number: 120
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Proposed by: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Agriculture Faisalabad)
Location: Faisalabad
Contact: 00923009705800 (Imran)
Estimated Funds needed: 500 euros


Imran Khan, 29 years old, married having two children, is working in Gaey soap factory in Faisalabad as gatekeeper. His monthly income is around 11,000. He was grown up as orphan from very early age. Now he has to return a loan of about Rs. 55,000/- taken at various stages of his life. With this income, it is impossible for him to return. Please help him to return his loan.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is ELIGIBLE to receive Zakat.

Fund Raising:

Target: EUR 500

How to donate?

You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, UK or Pakistan and APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Please note that APPEC has CHANGED ITS BANK ACCOUNT since 10th July 2017. Before transferring your donation please ensure that you are using the correct details.

Current status of total funds:

EUR 00.00 (update: 08.03.2018) (EUR 468.67 released)

EUR 468.67 (update: 08.03.2018) (GBP 100 transferred to APPEC-2017-09-15)

EUR 468.67 + GBP 100 (update: 05.11.2017)

EUR 401.67 + GBP 30 (update: 25.10.2017)
EUR 391.67 + GBP 30 (update: 17.10.2017)
EUR 00.00 (update: 16.09.2017)

Funds released: EUR 468.67

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.