Project ID: APPEC-2011-10-23

Proposed by: Ahsan Shoaib (Senior Financial Software Developer at Bloomberg, NY)

Location: Abbottabad, Pakistan

Direct Contact:

Ahsan Shoaib. Ph: +1-646-549-6560. Email:


A bed-ridden disabled person is struggling against life threatening “Soft-Tissue Sarcoma”. His family consists of 2 sons (one of them is abnormal and disabled) and 4 daughters. He urgently needs your financial support for the lifesaving treatment and marriage of his daughters.


It all started around Sept 10, 2010 when a big pimple appeared at his right hand. It was very painful. He took medicine for some days but found no improvement. Upon the advice of his doctor, he visited PIMS (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences) and got it operated. The material taken out of the hand in operation was sent to Shoukat Khanam Memorial Hospital Lahore for biopsy. The diagnosis came out to be a relatively uncommon form of cancer, “Soft-Tissue Sarcoma”.

After this discovery, PIMS advised him chemotherapy and referred his case to Noori Hospital, Islamabad. The team at Noori hospital suggested plastic surgery of the hand before the application of radiations and CT scans of upper torso since this rare cancer has the tendency to spread to chest area, lungs in particular. The grafting surgery took place back at PIMS, where they took a chunk of flush from abdomen and used it for the plastic surgery of the hand. Later, when the CT scan was performed, the family’s worst fears came true: the tumorous growth had spread to lungs.

The doctors started chemotherapy to contain and kill cancerous cells in the lungs. It was performed over a period of 6 months, in 6 medium dosages of radiations. The treatment failed to erase the tumor. The doctors at Noori Hospital, after further discussions, decided to persist with the chemotherapy and use heavy dosages this time. Even after a second course the radiations failed to control or eradicate the cancer.

Now he is getting herbal medicine just to convince himself that he is being treated. He has a HOPE that he will recover soon. He can’t eat food, can’t sleep at night. He has four daughters at home and two sons. One son is 25 years old and he is absolutely abnormal. That son can’t eat himself, can’t go to bathroom. He is lying on bed beside his old and severely sick father. All the daughters are young and the old father is unable to arrange for their marriage.

Please donate generously for the cause of saving this person’s life and help him arrange for marriages of his daughters. Currently, he does not know what further could be done to cure him or how much time he has left, so now he just want to arrange his daughters weddings as soon as possible. Donations will be used for his treatment but mainly for the marriage of his daughters.

[IMPORTANT] – November 3, 2011.

It is with extreme sadness to announce the demise of the patient for whom we have launched this project.

APPEC has decided to continue fund raising for this project since the real target was to support the well-being of the family, esp. the marriage preparation for his daughters.


This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations


Although we would like to arrange as much as possible for this family but our minimum target set is: 2000 €.


Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.

Donations can be made directly to following account in Pakistan as well.

Name of Account : Nasir Khan

Current Account # 01040120021226

Bank : Allied Bank Limited

Branch: Havelian Branch

City: Abbottabad


Target amount: 2000 Euro

Target date: 10th November 2011

Current status: EUR 1948.42/= (updated: 17.11.2011)

Funds release: EUR 1949.10/= (updated: 22.11.2011)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated !