Project ID: APPEC-2011-12-12

Proposed by: Sabawoon, Irfan ullah Electrical Engg. Mardan KPK

Location: Sakhakot Malakand, KPK, Pakistan

Direct Contact: irfan.ullah952[@],[@] (Jasim ali advocate 92-300-9025127,   92-333-8720600 & 92-932-310-477)


Mr.Bilal Khan s/o Khalid Khan a resident of Sakhakot Malakand KPK Pakistan had a myelomeningocele(Patient Pictures) on his back which was operated by doctors. However his situation has not improved with the surgery, in fact now  both of his legs have got damaged and his head is getting swollen day by day due to the harmful side-effects of the surgery which is now posing a greater threat to his life.  A new surgery has been proposed by the doctors for which complete details can be found below. The total estimated cost of prescribed drugs and surgery is around 80,000 PKR. However the victim is son of a poor man who cannot afford the treatment even at this critical stage.

You are humbly requested to donate for saving this precious life.

600 €, to be disbursed for critical primary surgery and  hospitalization.

This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

The total medical expenses (including only surgery and hospitalization) : PKR 80,000


Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.


Donations Summary:
Target: EUR 600/=
Deadline: 31-12-2012
Current status: EUR 700/= (updated: 21.12.2011)

Funds released: EUR 700/= (25.12.2011)

This project has been completed successfully. The collected donations have been handed over to the father of the patient through the organization Sabawon. The press release confirms this transaction (see images attached).