Help needed for construction of water reservoir

Project ID: APPEC-2018-02-16

APPEC Project Number: 125
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Proposed by: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)
Location: Summ, Mianwali-Chakwal boundry line
Contact: 0092 345 0338475 (Saif Ullah)
Estimated Funds needed: 400 euros


Ameer Khan/Saiffullah Khan along with others are living in mountainous area called “Summ” located near Chhidroo Mianwali at the boundary of Mianwali, Chakwal and Khushab districts. The only source of water in that area is occasional rain. For drinking purpose, they build water pond. The previous one is too old and filled with mud. Moreover due to increase in number of people and their animals in that area, they want to build a new pond. The estimated cost is around 75000 PKR. It consists mainly of digging by Crane machine. The estimate is around 25-30 hours of Crane including more than two hours to reach to that place as there is no road in that mountainous area and is far from Mianwali city. APPEC will pay about 60% of that cost. Rest will be contributed by people of area.

Please contribute for this project to make life easier for many people. It will be Sadqa-Jaria for every one who will contribute in it.

Donations Eligibility:

This project is not eligible for Zakat.

How to donate?

You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, UK or Pakistan and APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Please note that APPEC has CHANGED ITS BANK ACCOUNT since 10th July 2017. Before transferring your donation please ensure that you are using the correct details.

Current status of total funds:

PKR 58000 (update: 08.03.2018) Funds released

PKR 58000 (update: 08.03.2018) (EUR 285  + GBP 40 transferred to APPEC-2017-09-15)

EUR 285  + GBP 40 + PKR 58000 (update: 07.03.2018)

EUR 00.00 (update: 16.02.2018)

Funds released: 58000 PKR (update: 08.03.2018)
Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.