APPEC Project ID: APPEC-2012-02-27
APPEC Primary Contact: Mansur KHAN, mansur_volunteer[at]yahoo{dot}com, +92 333 5120075
Sad News: Sajjad Hussain passed away in the evening of March 25th, 2012. May he be blessed with the highest of place in Paradise. Aameen. Inna lillah-e-wa inna ilayhey ra’ajeoon.
This fundraising campaign is now closed.

Current Location of Patient: Deceased.
Medical Reports: Attached.
Initial Target: 45’738, to be disbursed to cover the surgery expenses.
Target Date: 29-03-2012
Donations Eligibility: This project is eligible for Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.
Current status:

Funds released: EUR 4668/= (update: 25.04.2012)

Donations received in APPEC Paypal/Bank Account:
Update March 08, 2012: EUR 873.32
Update March 12, 2012: EUR 2941.37
Update March 14, 2012: EUR 3650.81
Update March 19, 2012: EUR 4398.13


Update March 22, 2012: EUR 5139.88

Donations received in Pakistan Bank Account:
Update March 08, 2012: PKR 140’788
Update March 10, 2012: PKR 153’788
Update March 11, 2012: PKR 194’288
Update March 12, 2012: PKR 335’076

Update March 22, 2012: PKR 750’576

Donations collected by friends and family of Sajjad Hussain:
Update March 12, 2012: PKR 750’000

Update March 22, 2012: PKR 1’500’000



Percentage of Initial Target (45’738€) covered so far: 50.54%


An appeal for donations to help save the life of a primary class teacher (Sajjad Hussain) of Government Boys High School, Hurnamaira (Village Sungher Hurnamaira, Tehsil Rawalakot, District Poonch, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan) through a liver transplant operation. This appeal was brought to APPEC’s notice by Sajjad Saeed, a post-doctoral researcher in Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium, nearly a year ago. At that time the patient had filed a financial assistance request with the provincial Government of Azad Kashmir to cover the enormous medical expenses of the operation. APPEC, through Sajjad Saeed, stayed in constant contact with the patient. Sajjad Saeed has been kind enough to keep us updated. Since at the time (a year ago) the patient was still in a position to move around and look after his routine problems, we launched a moderate fund-raising and decided to await the outcome of financial assistance request.


Unfortunately, a year later, the patient has not received any favorable response to his financial assistance request. Recently, Mansur Khan (APPEC member in Pakistan) visited the patient in person. He is in constant touch with the family of the patient, who is in a very critical medical condition. Initially, he was admitted in PIMS Hospital Islamabad for four weeks. He has now been shifted to Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad since 23rd of February 2012. Doctors have advised liver transplant operation on urgent basis as a final resort to save his life, without which his life expectancy has been drastically reduced to anywhere from a few days to just a few months. This Pakistani brother is in need of our help, ASAP.


The patient is undergoing extensive medical tests presently, the reports of some of which are attached. One of the tests related to kidneys is not OK as yet, for which medication and injections are being continously administered to keep the levels in safe limite. Once the test results are come out to be satisfactory, the patient will be able to undergo a CT Scan. If the results of CT Scan permit, the patient will get a go ahead for the transplant. Otherwise, the patient will continue the pre-opertation medication untill the test results are within acceptable limits.
After verification of him being a genuinely deserving case, the administration of Shifa International Hospital has graciously waived-off the daily admission and lodging charges. But, the daily medicines and injections are still at patient’s charge, costing around Rs. 12’000 each day. On top of it, the routine medical test and examinations are also being paid by the patient. APPEC has received an estimated cost of liver transplant operation from the hospital. The estimated cost is between Rupees 3.5 to 4 million and another Rupees 2 million for post-transplant care, drugs and hospital stay for the first six months. A liver donor with matching blood group has been arranged from within the family (pending approval from concerned surgeon based on the satisfactory test reports of the donor).
While the results of tests arrive and expert opinion of consulting doctors is evaluated and the medical opinions on the specifics of the surgery are formulated, we have decided to spring into action. We are launching a full-scale fund raising campaign to collect donations in our academic and professional circles. This way, the moment the medical opinions are finalized, he can undergo surgery without any wastage of time and financial worries for his family. We have received family’s consent for this fund-raising.


A tentative date of operation at Shifa International Hospital (Islamabad) has been communicated to APPEC: 3rd week of March, 2012.
The call for donations has been launched as of now and the donations have started pouring in. For this fundraising, APPEC is working in partnership with other University Alumni Associations in Pakistan. The donation drive shall stay open until the operation date. Please donate generously and please spread the message far and wide. Please feel free to copy and paste the text from here to your blog sites, email groups, social media pages and other information dissemination channels. Unless explicitly mentioned by the donor, all donations will be treated as a ‘gift’ towards this cause. If you wish to give money as a loan, please mention that specifically and we will see how to go about it.


You may send your donations to APPEC via:
A. Bank transfer:
– International (EU, Africa, East-Asia, Pacific, North America):
– Pakistan:
Title of Account: Mrs. Sajida Bashir (Wife of Sajjad Hussain)
Account Number: 0200707644
Branch Code: 0209
Swift Code: UNILPKKA741
Bank Address: United Bank Limited, B-II, Haji Chowk, 641 Muslim Town, Rawalpindi 46330, Pakistan
Note: If you make a donation to the above mentioned account, please send an email to Mansur Khan.

B. Paypal:

C. Cash Transfer:
(1) France: To me (Paris). Tel.: +33 630 006 043.
(2) UK: Fadil Aleem (London). Tel.: +44 759 638 2328 (evening).
(3) Belgium: Sajjad Saeed (Leuven). Tel.: +32 16322430 or +32 16329756;
(4) USA: Shiraz Bashir (Wisconsin). Email: shirazbashir[@]gmail{dot}com
(5) Pakistan: Mansur Khan (Islamabad). Tel.: +92 333 5120075

D. Contacts in healthcare, pharmaceutical and medical domain: If you have any information/connections to help us collect medicines, injections, drugs, etc. please send us an email at: contact[at]

Fundraising for Liver Transplant Operation of a School Teacher (Sajjad Hussain)

Note to donors: When you submit a donation, kindly drop us an email at: treasurer[at], mentioning the amount and the campaign title to help us better maintain our donation records and to keep you updated on the progress.
As mentioned above, earlier, APPEC (in collaboration with Signalianz Alumni Association and others) had run a fund-raising campaign for the Liver Transplant of the daughter of one of our colleagues, Kashif. After the successful completion of the operation, he was kind to share a detailed debriefing of his experience. There are several highly-critical top-priority pieces of information in the narrative. We have put it up in an openly-accessible document here, for general awareness: We intend to update the document with more information after the successful completion (Inshallah) of this operation.

Please note that APPEC is a highly welcoming and a fully transparent forum. If you wish to join us, just create an account on our website ( or simply drop us an email at:
Jazak Allah,
Waqqas Akhtar
ParisTech, Paris.


Abu Huraira (May Allah be Pleased With Him) reported Allah’s Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as saying, “He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, Allah would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for one who is hard pressed, Allah would make things easy for him in the Hereafter; and he who conceals [the faults of] a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults in the world and in the hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother; and he who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah would make that path easy, leading to Paradise for him and those persons who assemble in the house among the houses of Allah [mosques] and recite the Book of Allah [Al-Quran] and they learn and teach the Qur’an [among themselves], there would descend upon them the tranquility and mercy would cover them and the angels would surround them and Allah makes a mention of them in the presence of those near Him; but he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds, his [high] descent does not make him go ahead.”
From: Sahih Muslim – Book No. 35 “Kitab Al-Zikr”; Number 6518.


Fundraising for Liver Transplant Operation of a School Teacher (Medical Report)

Fundraising for Liver Transplant Operation of a School Teacher (Medical Report)

Fundraising for Liver Transplant Operation of a School Teacher (Medical Opinion)

Fundraising for Liver Transplant Operation of a School Teacher (Medical Opinion)