
An appeal for donations to help save the life of our friend Ali Zafar. We know him personally through APPEC members from the same academic institution, the College of Telecommunications, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. He has worked for Aircom and Telenor in the past and was until recently working for Alcatel-Lucent in Islamabad, Pakistan.


Ali has been living a normal and energetic life until less than 4 weeks ago when he started experiencing severe headaches and loss of vision. He went in for a checkup. The doctor recommended a CT-Scan. The scan was carried out at Agha Khan Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. CT-Scan results revealed a brain tumor and that too an unexpectedly large one. The doctors scheduled an immediate surgery but once the skull was cut open, they found the tumor to be more complex than originally perceived and decided that an operation without further investigation is extremely risky. The tumor is 4cm x 5cm in dimensions and has been classified as a Grade-4 tumor (advanced stage). Moreover, it is a spreadable tumor. The doctors recovered a tissue sample for biopsy during the operation. Detailed biopsy results are expected in a couple of days.


While the results arrive and the medical opinions on the specifics of the surgery are formulated, we have decided to spring into action. We have launched a full-scale fund raising campaign to collect donations in our academic and professional circles. At the same time we are using our contacts in the US for finding the most competent and relevant neurosurgeons to treat him.
This way, the moment the medical opinions are finalized, he can be transported to US for a surgery without any wastage of time and financial worries for his family. We have received the family’s consent for this fund-raising and our friends, colleagues, class-fellows are already actively engaging their contacts to find the best medical help in USA. Such an advanced-stage tumor operation requires experienced surgeons and we expect the treatment to be quite costly. We do not have an exact cost estimate as yet but the moment a Surgeon team and a hospital is finalized, we will have an estimate. For now, owing to our previous experience of fundraising for medical operations conducted outside of Pakistan, we have set the estimate amount to be USD 80’000 /-. We cannot over emphasize the urgency of reaching this target.


The call for donations has been launched as of now and the donations have started pouring in. APPEC is working in partnership with other Pakistani students and young professionals in three continents. An up-to-date status of the donation campaign can be viewed at: http://www.helpalizafar.com
The donation drive shall stay open until the end of the week (Nov 29, 2010). Please donate generously and please spread the message far and wide. Please feel free to copy and paste the text from here to your blog sites, email groups, social media pages and other information dissemination channels. Unless explicitly mentioned by the donor, all donations will be treated as a ‘gift’ towards this cause. If you wish to give money as a loan, please mention that specifically and we will see how to go about it.


You may send your donations to APPEC via:
A. Bank transfer (from within Europe): http://www.durabledevelopment.com/appec/donations/bank
B. Paypal: http://www.durabledevelopment.com/appec/donations/making-a-paypal-donation-step-by-step-guide
C. Cash Transfer:
(1) France: To me (Paris). Tel.: +33 630 006 043
(2) UK: Fadil Aleem (London). Tel.: +44 759 638 2328
(3) UAE: Talha Khan. Tel.: +971 50 6541721
(4) Pakistan (Cash + Cheques): Sajjad Hussain, APPEC Treasurer, Pakistan. Tel.: +92 307 877 6656
D. Contacts in healthcare and medical domain: If you have any information/connections to help us organize Ali’s treatment in USA, please send us an email at: contact[at]appec.durabledevelopment.com.
Note: When you submit a donation, kindly drop us an email at: treasurer[at]appec.durabledevelopment.com, mentioning the amount and the campaign title to help us better maintain our donation records and to keep you updated on the progress.

Please see that APPEC is a highly welcoming and a fully transparent forum. If you wish to join us, just create an account on our website (https://www.appec.durabledevelopment.com) or simply drop us an email at: join[at]appec.durabledevelopment.com.

Jazak Allah,
Waqqas Akhtar
ParisTech, Paris.

Donations update as of January 11, 2011: EUR 2714.28/=

EUR 1000/= used for project APPEC-2011-09-20

EUR 1000/= used for project APPEC-2012-10-12

EUR 200/= used for project APPEC-2013-05-10

EUR 442.33/= used for project APPEC-2013-06-25

Current status of project funds with APPEC (after refunds): Nil (updated: 25.06.2013)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact treasurer@appec.durabledevelopment.com, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.

Abu Huraira (May Allah be Pleased With Him) reported Allah’s Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as saying, “He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, Allah would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection; and he who finds relief for one who is hard pressed, Allah would make things easy for him in the Hereafter; and he who conceals [the faults of] a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults in the world and in the hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother; and he who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah would make that path easy, leading to Paradise for him and those persons who assemble in the house among the houses of Allah [mosques] and recite the Book of Allah [Al-Quran] and they learn and teach the Qur’an [among themselves], there would descend upon them the tranquility and mercy would cover them and the angels would surround them and Allah makes a mention of them in the presence of those near Him; but he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds, his [high] descent does not make him go ahead.”
From: Sahih Muslim – Book No. 35 “Kitab Al-Dhikr”; Number 6518.