Project ID: APPEC-2010-10-30


In continuation of APPEC’s flood relief efforts, a group of 4 APPEC members executed an intensive fund raising in Orléans city of France. Mr. Noman JAVED, Mr. RANA Arslan Tariq, Mr. Muhammad KHAN and Mr. Syed Muhammad Noaman Ahmed SHAH, in collaboration with the association for the Pakistani mosques in Orléans, conducted a donation collection campaign at mosques and markets (french marchés).

A first round of their fund raising efforts formulated an early phase of our flood relief efforts – phase-3 of APPEC flood relief.


A total of EUR 10,000/= resulted from these efforts – to be utilized for:

1. Winter protection efforts of Signalianz/JAWAN (details in comments below).

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.