Project ID: APPEC-2010-09-07


In continuation of APPEC’s flood relief efforts, the current phase focuses on fund raising in universities. However, individual donations are also welcome and volunteers willing to put their efforts for fund raising at any level are encouraged to bring some liquid to this phase.

For details on APPEC’s contribution to flood relief work, please explore posts on earlier phases of our fund raising campaign (under projects and success stories). A detailed understanding of APPEC projects could be achieved by going through the success stories section on this website.

A good number of volunteers have already started campaigns at their universities and are confident to raise decent amount(s).  The president or an executive member of the association may be contacted if any customized authorizations are required.

How to donate?


Current status of donations (updated 15.09.2010): EUR 2392/=

In addition to the generous support from regular APPEC donors and the donations that are continuously trickling in this fund (from universities), some important contributions include:

EUR 1000/= – PROGIS Cachan, France

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.