Project ID


Proposed By:

Dr. Abdul Malik KHAN – Dreux, France


Cell: +33761201364

Following are the details :

The case is related to a woman belonging to a poor family. She is suffering from cancer around her right eye for the last one year. Initially the cancer was diagnosed through a test at Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore, but they told the patient’s family that for this type of cancer they should go to IRNUM Peshawar. They started treatment their and the initial treatment was successful. For the later part of the treatment they referred them to CMH Rawalpindi as well as doing some treatment in parallel at IRNUM. The patient’s son told me that for electric shocks (or whatever, as he, being not very educated, could not explain technically) they have to go to CMH and for the rest of the chemotherapy; they are still going to IRNUM. Since they have spent a lot of money and are exhausted financially, they are unable to continue the later part of the treatment. According to them, they need only 50,000 rupees only as already some relatives have helped them. That is not a huge amount, but keeping in view their current financial situation, they really need it in order to successfully end the treatment.

They have their own mud-made house in the village, and I think they are eligible for zakat, but I will confirm asap from the family, but I can assure you that these days, they are in real need of financial help.
If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to “” with your name, project id and amount donated.

Target: 50,000 PKR i.e. 375 EUR

Deadline: till completion

Current status of fundraising :
Nil (update: 20.12.2013) (Funds from APPEC-2013-11-27 : EUR 375/=)
EUR 375/= (update: 21.12.2013)

Funds released: EUR 375/= + EUR 9.10/= (update: 27.12.2013)

Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.