Project launched : 20th of January 2010
Project completed: 27th of January 2010

17th of January, an HEC scholar (Muhammad Ehtisham Siddiqui) launched a donation collection campaign for arranging the financial resources for a laborer in Karachi. The family was, unfortunately, in bad economic conditions. The head of the family was in dare need of finances for starting some work to earn bread and butter for his family. Ehtisham (in Europe) and his brother (in USA) launched two parallel donation campaigns for arranging the finances to buy a rickshaw for this laborer.

The project exactly matched the kind of activities that APPEC wants to promote and hence we decided to put our part in this cause and adopted the donation campaign in Europe. 20th of January, a public call for donations was launched by APPEC; for the remaining half of target, set for the campaign in Europe. Jazak’Allah to the donors for their generosity. Alhamdulilah, the target of €500 was achieved on 27th of January. Personal contacts of Ehtisham got involved in purchasing a rikshaw and handing it over to the laborer. Alhamdulilah he is now earning the livlihood for his family in a respectable way.

We wish a happy and prosperous life to the family, Allahumma ameen!