Donating Through PayPal (Important Instructions)

From our past donation campaigns we have learnt that PayPal always charges a commission on almost all of the donations, although we are registered with them as a non-profit organization. If this commission is not paid at the sender-end, PayPal automatically deducts it at the receiving-end (i.e. APPEC). The commission is charged at a rate of 3.4%+0.25 (EUR) – which sums to a notable amount. We strongly feel that this amount should be saved and should be used for the projects.
Here is a series of steps to prevent PayPal from deducting service charges by actually doing the same ‘service’ yourself, i.e. transfering money from bank account to a virtual online account (at PayPal, of course). Theis series of steps ensures that no amount from your donation gets wasted as PayPal commission and 100% of your donation is utilized for the cause at hand.

I. Transfering funds to your PayPal Account

PayPal can not [legally] charge you a commission, if you use the money in your online virtual account (i.e. Paypal account) to make a donation to a registered, non-profit association for a charity cause.

So, as a first step you must transfer funds from your bank account to your PayPal account. This transfer is usually free, however, PayPal rules vary from country to country.

II. Donating to APPEC

a. Making sure that the required funds are available in your PayPal account:

b. Creating the donation (destination account:

c. Review of your donation:

d. Confirmation of donation:

You shall be able to see that APPEC will receive 100% of your donation amount.

After making a donation, please do not forget to drop an email to with details of Donor name, Donor location, Donated amount, Transaction type (bank-transfer/cheque/paypal) and Email address for receiving updates on the project. This information is very important for us to keep APPEC’s archives updated and for keeping the donors informed on the project. We emphasize here that the information about donors of our projects is considered highly confidential and is only visible to APPEC Executive Committee and APPEC Project Advisors.