AlQuran 02:261

APPEC management, with mutual consent of all APPEC members, has decided to launch a France-wide campaign for the request received from Mr. Afzal Khan (PhD Scholar in France and a member of APPEC). An excerpt from the original email well summarizes the scope and sensitivity of this project:

A relative of mine in Swat was shot at by Taliban last year in the month of May with chemically contaminated bullets. Allah Almighty saved his life but he got serious wounds in the abdomen and in the upper part of his right thigh. He remained in Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar for 6 months and spent a lot of money to cure his wounds but the progress was very slow. He then shifted to Swat, as his financial conditions were not allowing him to stay any more in Peshawar. Even after one year, his wounds are still green and even cannot support the stitches. Now he cannot afford any more the medical expenses of his cure. He has already sold most of his belongings and if the situation remains the same, he will be compel to sell his house as well. His financial conditions are reached at such a stage that now he is unable to afford the expenses of local hospital. There is no one in his home to earn and his only one son is of the age of 14. All his near and far relatives have supported him so far as well, but they have now also withdrawn their hands. He needs regular and prolonged medication to come back to the normal life.
As APPEC’s member, I am contacting you to know if APPEC can do something in this regard. To help him, I think we need to raise around 1000€ to support him in this miserable condition of health and wealth. I can provide further information if anyone would like to verify.


Afzal KHAN
Laboratoire des Materiaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP)

The target for this project is set to a total of EUR:1000. APPEC aims at streamlining a maximum number of contributions for collecting this sum. Initially,we are setting a soft deadline for the campaign but we encourage the donors to please make their contributions, ideally on urgent basis, in order to achieve the target ASAP.

Donations could be made through any of the methods detailed at:

Alhamdulilah, the target has been successfully achieved – a total of EUR 1550 has been collected.
(updated: 22nd of June 2010)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could be accommodated.