Project launched : 15th of September 2009
Project completed: 30th of September 2009

An article was published in daily Jang (a newspaper published from Pakistan) by Hamid Mir on 27th of August 2009, about a 14 year old brilliant Pakistani student named Ayesha Saleem. Unfortunately baby Ayesha was a victim of beta thalassemia major. A number of parallel donation campaigns were initiated for collecting funds for the treatment of this child.

APPEC decided to play its role for pooling funds for the treatment of baby Ayesha Saleem. A public call for donations (zakat and fitrana) was launched on 15th of September 2009. APPEC received a very generous response to the call and alhamdulilah managed to collect a major part of total treatment expenses in only two weeks. Alhamdulilah, APPEC successfully streamlined €3565 out of total estimated expenses of 200,000 GBP, for treatment of this child. Jazak’Allah to all the donors for putting in their trust in APPEC. The collected amount was transacted to Pakistan on 30th of September 2009.

(awaiting details about treatment of this child… to be completed …)