Project launched : 1st of October 2009
Project completed: 13th of October 2009

This is an extraordinary story of the seemingly impossible task of giving a new liver to a 5-month old girl (named Asma) to save her life. The campaign started from Pakistan, spread to France, Germany and Sweden in Europe, US and Canada across the Atlantic and ended in China. A geographically dispersed group of students raised nearly $50’000 in just over a week.

APPEC joined this campaign on 1st of October 2009 and launched a public call for donations. Alhamdulilah, we received a very generous response and managed to collect an important part of total treatment expenses in less than 2 weeks. Jazak’Allah to everyone for their efforts. A sum of €1670 (approx. Rs:200,000) was transacted to Pakistan on 13th of October 2009.

Baby Asma underwent a successful liver transplant on 7th of December 2009 and is now, alhamdulilah, hale and healthy.

We wish her a happy and successful life, Allahumma ameen!

A detailed follow up of this campaign and very useful information for planning a liver transplant is maintained on this blog.