Project ID: APPEC-2012-10-16
Proposed by: Dr. Muhammad Nauman Qureshi.
Location: Karachi
Contact: mnaumanqureshi[at][gmail].com / +92-322-2442586


This call is for helping Salma Khatoon (a widow) to construct a shelter for living of herself and her unmarried daughter. She has no earning member to support her, and currently relatives are helping for her daily eatables. But it is un-natural to expect one family to continue to feed the other forever.

I have visited the place and met Salma Khatoon. She inherits a small plot on which she  planned to construct shops and a room on 1st floor so that she could become self reliant financially, save money for her daughter’s marriage and hence could have a dignified life.

The estimated amount needed for construction is Rs 600,000/=  The construction to be done is refurbishment of shops, stairs, room with kitchen and washroom. Salma Khatoon is eligible for Zakat also.

Fund Raising:

Target: 5000 EUR

Deadline: till completion

Funds from project APPEC-2012-08-01: 2378.62/=

Current status of total funds: EUR 5000.15/= (update: 07.01.2013) 

Funds released: EUR 5009.10/= (update: 30.01.2013)


This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.


Donations Eligibility: 

The person is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.


Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.