Project ID: APPEC-2011-08-10
proposed by: Naveed Islam (Montpellier, France)

Direct Contact:


A small village in Malakand Agency called “Palai”, with five thousand inhabitants, are in genuine need of drinking water wells.
A far away river, the current major source of water, is very polluted and unhygienic, as well as very difficult for carrying out especially for females, youngsters and elders. The locals are living below standards and cannot afford generator based tube-wells. Therefore, they are planning for classical old style wells (using simple pulley system). The region is full of rocky mountains, which adds difficulty in digging, thus increases the digging costs. The people are in dare need of the wells.

A local NGO, Sabawon is planning for digging 5 wells costing Rs: 80,000/- per well. APPEC would like to partner with Sabawon and raise funds for 2 wells in the initial phase.

Your generous support will help to overcome this very basic need of the people of the region. Please note that this project is NOT eligible for Zakat donations.

Fund Raising:

Target: EUR 1500/= (deadline: 22.08.2011)

Current status: EUR 1565.61/= (updated: 19.08.2011)

Funds released: EUR 1500/= (22.08.2011)

EUR 65.61/= are used for project “APPEC-2011-08-22

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.


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