Project ID: APPEC-2010-09-03


In continuation of APPEC’s flood relief efforts, below is a set of flyers/authorizations for APPEC members, in order to legalize the use of association’s platform for fund raising. A good number of volunteers have already conducted successful campaigns and have raised decent amount(s).  The president or an executive member of the association may be contacted if any customized authorizations are required.


Flyer (APPEC – Flood relief Pakistan)



Appeal (Fundraising Information for Flood Relief Efforts 2010)


Flyer (APPEC – L’inondations Pakistan)



Appeal (APPEC – Appeal l’inondations Pakistan)

These backgrounds may be used for designing a poster for “APPEC flood relief” (courtesy: volunteers from Orléans):



Alhamdulilah, a total of EUR 6990.92/= has been raised by APPEC. A major part of this came from the funds collected by volunteers from mosques in France (jazak’Allah to each and every individual for all the efforts). (updated: 09th of September 2010)

Some important efforts include:

EUR 894/= – Mosque Pont-de-Claix France

EUR 250/= – President Association Foi et Prière Adresse, Grenoble France

EUR 120/= – Campus mosque, near Géant Casino, Grenoble France

EUR 589/= – Grande mosquée de Clermont Ferrand France

EUR 403/= – Grande mosquée de Paris France

EUR 1574/= – Mosquée El-Kawthar, Grenoble France

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.


Eid alFitr fund raising campaign

Alhamdulilah, a total of EUR 11707.55-/= has been raised by APPEC. A major part of this came from the funds collected by volunteers during Eid prayers in France (jazak’Allah to each and every individual for all the efforts). (updated: 13th of September 2010).

Some important efforts include:

EUR 2877/= – Paris, France

EUR 2167/= – EidGaah Grenoble, France

EUR 6260/= – Association Foi et Prière (1 bis Avenue Victor Hugo – 38800 Le Pont-de-Claix)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.
