Project ID: APPEC-2010-09-02


In continuation of APPEC’s flood relief efforts, a group of 4 APPEC members executed an intensive fund raising in Orléans city of France. Mr. Noman JAVED, Mr. RANA Arslan Tariq, Mr. Muhammad KHAN and Mr. Syed Muhammad Noaman Ahmed SHAH, in collaboration with the association for the Pakistani mosques in Orléans, conducted a donation collection campaign at mosques and markets (french marchés). An edited excerpt from an email, well elaborates the efforts:

Secondly, let me take this as an opportunity to eplain you a bit of the history
…  We decided to send tents to Talat as he has mentioned in one of his program the need of tents. But we can’t do enough alone so we decided to collect funds from different mosques. We talked with pakistani community here and with their help we succeed in collecting almost 10,000€ from mosques and marché. Meanwhile we have send the first lot of tents through PIA and and its being collected by talat’s team from PIA. We have also bought 36 more tents and tomorrow we’ll collect these tents inshaAllah. In short from the collection of 10,000€ we’ve bought 46 tents(total aviable in this region) and hopefully we’ll buy some Tarpauline sheets tomorrow as well.

We have bought the tent (original price = 89.90€) at the price of 65€ from Decathlon. They reduced the price as we told them its for the victims of flood in pakistan. The other reduction is the TVA as the product is going abroad. I suggest you to try to find Tarpauline sheets (bâche) as I have specifically asked Talat about the requirement and he told me that tarpauline sheet is cheeper and easy to handle. You can find tarpauline sheet on the magasin de bricolage like Castorama, Brico Depot. Ask them to provide you heavy duty bâche.

Flyers and appeals

PDF-1; PDF-2; PDF-3; PDF-4; PDF-5

A total of EUR 10,000/= resulted from these efforts and was utilized for:

1. Purchase of tents and tarpauline sheets

2. Cash deposit to “Talat/Kashif Aaj flood relief fund” (

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation(s) could actually be accommodated.