Project ID: APPEC-2010-08-15
Proposed by: Muhammad Sadiq (PhD scholar in France)

Mr. Atiq-ur-Rehman is a patient of thalassemia major. He got this disease at the age of 6 months. Since then he is under treatment and is now 3 years old. Currently, he is admitted in the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad.  The treatment for his disease is Bone Marrow Transplant. This treatment is possible in PIMS, Pakistan and the expected c犀利士
ost is 10, 000 Euros. Atiq-ur-Rehman needs a regular blood transfusion of about 300 cc every week. Every time the average cost for this whole process is Rs. 2000.

His father is a poor man and can’t afford this much of expenses. He has to look after a family of 4 members including Atiq. He is a labor and has an average monthly income of only Rs. 4000. One of Atiq’s uncle is providing some financial help who himself is a school teacher. His father is really looking forward for any help. It’s the holy month of Ramdan and they are waiting for any amount of zakat, khairat, sadaqa fitr and sadqa.

Donors in Pakistan are welcome to send their donations directly to the victim’s family bank account i.e. “Account Number: 0348 0001 1902 01 (Currency, PKR), HBL, Nizampur Branch, Distt Nowshera, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Pakistan”.

Please send your contributions to APPEC (how to donate?) to be streamlined, eventually, to the victim. Your zakat, khairat, sadaqa fitr and sadqa fisabilAllah are applicable for this project. (more…)