Project ID: APPEC-2022-07-22

APPEC Project Number: 199
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Location: Kundian, Mianwali
Contact: 0092 343 6883510
Estimated Funds needed: 80,000 PKR


Two daily wages workers from Kandian need a loan of Rs. 80,000 for the roof of their house. By working hard, they saved some money and built a part of a one-room house. But then the work stopped there due to ill health. One of them have a back problem and can’t work hard. Other is ill. Now they are living in a rented house. If they get eighty thousand, the roof of the house will be completed and using this rent money, they will continue to return it to us in the form of monthly installments. If the money is returned, it will be used in other projects.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is NOT ELIGIBLE to receive Zakat.

How to donate?
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:

PKR 00.00 (update: 14-07-2022) (Funds released: PKR 80000 )

PKR 80000 (update: 13-07-2022)

Funds released: 80,000 PKR

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.