180. Helping a female student of M Phil Botany, Agriculture University Faisalabad to pay her semester fee

Project ID: APPEC-2022-02-24

APPEC Project Number: 180
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Location: Faisalabad
Contact: 0092 343 6883510
Estimated Funds needed: 1,66,000 PKR


She belongs to a poor family living in Fateh Ali, Bhowana Punjab. Her father is a daily wages worker and her mother is seriously ill (Hepatitis C and liver patient). Amara Zafar is studying in second semester BSc (Hons) Botany, GC Women University Faisalabad. M Phil Botany, Agriculture University Faisalabad.

She is trying to manage her educational expenses but due to illness of her mother, she could not manage but only a part. For second semester her fee is 66000 PKR and she was only able to submit half in first installment. Also she has to return 67000 PKR taken for first semester. She needs a total of 1 lakh now and about 66000 for next two semesters.

Semester 1: 67000 released on 16-10-2021

Semester 2: 33000 released on 17-02-2022 (only first installation)

Semester 3: 69730 released on 29-08-2022

Semester 4: 81495 released on 17-02-2023

Donations Eligibility:
This project is ELIGIBLE to receive Zakat.

How to donate?
Please send your donations directly to to APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan as we are facing problem with transferring money from APPEC’s Paypal account. If it is difficult to send money to Pakistani account, then you can send in APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to treasurers.appec@gmail.com with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:

PKR 00.00 (update: 19-02-2023) (Funds released for last two semesters: PKR 151225)

PKR 151225.00 (update: 17-02-2023)
PKR 56,025.00 (update: 03-04-2022) (Funds released for first two semesters: PKR 1,00,000 )

PKR 1,56,025 (update: 23-02-2022)

Funds released: 251225 PKR

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact treasurers.appec@gmail.com, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.