173. Helping a poor lady to reconstruct her damaged 1 room house.

Project ID: APPEC-2021-04-01

APPEC Project Number: 173
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Location: Mianwali
Contact: 0092 343 688 3510
Estimated Funds needed: 3,00,000 PKR


Zainab, about 50 years old widow, is resident of Chhidro, Mianwali. She has one son about 11 years old. After divorce, she is living in her mother’s house, also widow. Her mother gave 1 room from her 2 room house to live. But during last Muharram, about 8 months ago, this room collapsed due to heavy rains. This room was constructed using simple stones and mud and roof was build using wood. Nothing from this material is reusable to reconstruct again. Since last 8 months, she is sharing single small room with her mother and her stuff is placed outside room as the room is very small for this family. She need immediate help to rebuild her room.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is eligible to receive Zakat.

How to donate?
Please whatsapp at 00923436883510 or email at treasurers.appec@gmail.com with your name to know about details.

Current status of total funds:

PKR 00.00 (update: 03-07-2021) (Funds released: PKR 3,00,000 )

PKR 3,00,000.00 (update: 25-06-2021)
PKR 103,463.00 (update: 01-04-2021)

Funds released: 3,00,000 PKR

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact treasurers.appec@gmail.com, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.