Phase IV: Helping orphan and widows
Project id: APPEC-2017-04-08
Proposed by: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan)
Location: Layyah, Bhakkar, Okara, Sahiwal and Mianwali
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com
Estimated Funds needed: 3200 euros
This is the phase IV of following APPEC projects (Phase I, Phase II and Phase III).  It is one of the biggest project of APPEC that we complete every year in very short time. This project is to provide food for 1 year to families who lost their working person recently (mostly orphans and widows) by providing them wheat sufficient for 1 full year. We are running this project successfully for last few years. Those who belong to villages can imagine the importance of wheat for poor families. It is the one and only source of food for them. If they have wheat flour than they can eat with something.
End Date: Preferably June 2017 (Till completion)
Number of families who need help: 24
Number of persons who will be benefited for 1 year: 99
Wheat needed: 105 Stacks (10500 Kg)
Expected Price of wheat in May-June: Rs. 3250/Stack
Donations Eligibility:
This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.
How to donate?
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.
Religious importance of the project:
Narrated Sahl bin Sa’d (RA):
The Prophet said, “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides food for him, will be in Paradise with me like this,” putting his index and middle fingers together.
(Sahi Bukhari, The book of good manners, Chapter: The superiority of the one who looks after an orphan)
Narrated Safwan bin Salim (RA):
The Prophet said “The one who looks after and works for a widow and for a poor person, is like a warrior fighting for Allah’s Cause or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all the night.” Narrated Abu Huraira that the Prophet said as above.
(Sahi Bukhari, The book of good manners (adab), Chapter: The superiority of the one who looks after the widows)
Details of the project:
We were running this project for last few years with the help of some HEC scholars mostly from Strasbourg. Since 2014, we are continuing this project with the help of APPEC.
In this project we help the families who recently lost the person who was earning for the family leaving behind the widows and orphans. The life becomes very hard if the main working person is lost especially in first few years after his death. For this project we look around us for the orphans and widows who really need our help.
As wheat is the main food in Pakistan and it is cheap during May-June. We help these families to buy wheat in May-June for the whole year so that they have something to eat all along the year.
Every year there are new families as the others somehow manage themselves in a year time, however there are some for them it is still needed to provide them food for one more year. You will be amazed to know that with small amount of money, we are providing food to many families for the whole year. This small contribution is a real blessing for them. The assessment of need is based on our experience through this project, opinion of some people in that area and asking from the affected families themselves.
In this year we want to help these families:
First Family: Family of Faiz ur Rehman (RIP), Pateshi Khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 2 orphans
Elder girl is around 5 years old.
No real source of income. Faiz ur Rehman who died recently was a daily wages worker. The children are so young that the widow can’t go out for any kind of work. No one in the family to take care the orphans. Still she is trying what she can for herself and the orphans. They need 3 sacks.
2nd Family: Family of Niaz Ahmad (RIP), Dharmay Wala, Deepal Pur, Okara
Number of person: 1 widow, 2 orphans
Elder child is around 8 years old.
She is all alone to take care of her 2 children. She works in houses to earn something but not really sufficient for them. They need 3 sacks.
3rd Family: Ayesha from Sahiwal
Number of person: 1 Person
Ayesha, unmarried, 35 years, resident of Sahiwal, accepted Islam about 1 year ago. She was living with her primary teacher father. Her father died about 3 years ago. After that it was diagnosed that she was suffering from blood cancer. Now she is in very serious condition due to advanced stage of blood cancer. No real source of income. She needs 2 sacks.
4th Family: Family of Bota (RIP) from Chak No 106 ML, Fateh Pur, Layyah
Number of person: 1 widow
Bota (RIP) was selling vegetables for himself and for her wife even at very old age. He died a few years ago and the widow is too old to do anything. he needs 2 sacks.
5th Family: Family of Zafar Iqbal (RIP) from Denay Wala, Bhakkar
Number of person: 1 widow, 2 orphans
Elder girl is 10 years old while boy is 7 years old.
Zafar iqbal died in the beginning of 2015. He was a daily wages worker. He remained ill in last few years and all the savings finished during this period. Meanwhile the little boy got serious accident and they had to sell house hold things for operation of little boy. The widow is working in the fields but got very little amount to feed the family. They need 4 sacks.
6th Family: Family of Muhammad Zamman (RIP), Marmandi, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans
Kashmiran bibi, 45, is a widow having 4 orphans. His husband, Muhammad Zamman died about a year ago after falling from a truck during loading unloading.  They need 4 sacks.
7th Family: Family of Noor Khan (RIP) from Miana, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow 80 years old, her daughter (divorced) about 40 years with one orphan 10 years
No real source of income. They have some land but other people have occupied this land and now they are unable get it back from them. We are helping this family since 2014 but still they need our help. They need 5 sacks.

8th Family: Family of Shafa ullah (RIP) from Khanani khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans, her mother in law (also widow)
Elder child is around 11 years old.
After the death of Shafa ullah, his widow and her mother are trying to earn something by working around in the fields but it’s seasonal. Cropping of wheat, picking of cotton etc but not sufficient. We are helping this family since 2014 but still they need our help.
They need 6 sacks.
9th Family: Family of Ameeran Khatoon and her blind brother from Cheekhali, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 divorced and her blind brother Dost Muhammad
She take care of her blind brother. Got some seasonal work at the time of cotton picking and wheat harvesting but not sufficient for whole year. They need 4 sacks.
10th Family: Bakhtooray kallor koot, Bhakar
Number of person: 1 widow about 80 years old
People around her help a little bit but if we can help her it will be something sure available all the time. She need 2 sacks.
11th Family: Family of Parveen from Cheekhali, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow with her 8 years old daughter. Her old father lives with her. Her family is now too old to help her.
They need 5 sacks.
12th Family: Daughter of Suba Khan from Marri khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 4 adults, 6 children
Husband of Annaetan bibi is mentally retarded. She has 6 children. She is living with her old mother, leg impaired old father, blind brother and one brother who is hand impaired. Her father was taking care for her and her children since 2011.  Since last year her father got an accident and brooked his leg. He is unable to work more. She is working to feed her family but not sufficient for them. The elder son is about 13 years old. They need 10 sacks for whole family.
13th Family: Daughter of Noor Khan from Haji khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 2 orphans
After the death of her husband, she was living with her father. But he died recently. She is working in fields but not sufficient to feed herself and two orphans of 8 and 11 years of age. They need 3 sacks.
14th Family: Family of Ramzan Khan (RIP) from Haji khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans
The elder son is about 11 years old. She can not afford school education but they are getting education in a madrissa. She need our help for her family. They need 4 sacks.
15th Family: Family of Sajid Ali (RIP) from Chak No 106 ML, Fateh Pur, Layyah
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans
The elder son is about 14 years old. She is trying hard to earn for her children after a sudden death of her husband. But this year she needs help. They need 4 sacks.
16th Family: Mahboob and Yaqoob, Two disabled brothers from Marri khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 2 brothers, 1 blind and other disabled and their old parents (4 adult), 3 children
Only one hand of disabled person works. He teaches Quran in nearby mosque to the children of area but free of cost. No real source of income for both brothers. They need 8 sacks.
17th Family: Family of Ameer Khan from Kattu khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 2
Moltaan was married about 8-9 years ago. Now she has a son of 8 years. His husband is in jail since last 6-7 years. Her parents gave her a room but unable to provide food for her and her son. She needs 2 sacks.
18th Family: Family of Hayat ullah (RIP) from Chhidroo City, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans, her mother in law (also widow)
Elder child is around 9 years old.
Husband and Son (Hayat Ullah) of Nazeeran bibi were murdered last year. Now this family is in miserable condition as both earning persons were killed.
They need 5 sacks.
19th Family: Daughter of Mehar Khan from Marri khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 divorced and 1 girl
Perveen got paralysis at the time of child birth. Her husband divorced her after her illness. Her parents are taking care and paying for medical treatment but they are very poor. She needs 3 sacks.
20th Family: Family of Ahmad Khan from Muzaffar Pur Shumali Wan Bhachran
Number of person: 1 widow and 7 children
Ahmad Khan was murdered about 2 months ago. His family is in a shock after his sudden death. Elder son is about 10 years old. They need 5 sacks.
21st Family: Family of Sher Samand Khan (RIP) from Raju Khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 3 adults
Sher Samand died last year. He was the only earning hand of his family. He had two sons. One is mentally retarted and other one is blind. His widow and blind son are both ill. They need 6 sacks.
22nd Family: Family of Iqbal Kasar from Wan Bhachran
Number of person: 2 adults and 5 children
Iqbal is paralysis effected person. His left side is badly affected. He is unable to do any work now. He has five girls. The elder daughter is about 14 years old. Her wife is earning something by doing some work at homes and fields of other. They need 6 sacks for whole family.
23rd Family: Family of Gul Muhammad (RIP) from Chhidroo, Mianwali
Number of person: 1 widow, 4 orphans
Elder child is around 11 years old
No real source of income. Gul Muhammad was a daily wages worker. The children are so young that the widow can’t go out for any kind of work. No one in the family to take care the orphans. We helped this family last year but still they need our help.
They need 5 sacks.
24th Family: Family of Arshad from 243 TDA, Fateh Pur, Layyah
Number of person: 2 adults and 3 children
Arshad got mad about a year ago. His family spent all their resources (including shop) on his medical treatment. But he did not get better. Her wife have to take care of his 3 children and his mentally retarted husband.  The elder child is about 6 years old. They need 4 sacks.
Please contribute as much as you can. Your small contributions of 5, 10, 20 and 50 euros will help us to feed these orphans and widows for the whole year.
If some one wants more informations or want to contact directly with any of these families, feel free to ask me and my email address or phone number 0033665932923).
Donations Eligibility:
This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.
Fund Raising:
Target: 3200 EUR
Deadline: till completion
How to donate?
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.
Current status of total funds raised:

EUR 00.00 + PKR 00.00 (update: 25.08.2017) (EUR 1669.83 + PKR 200000 released)

EUR 1669.83 + PKR 200000 (update: 19.07.2017)

EUR 1112.71 + GBP 500.60 + PKR 200000 (update: 20.06.2017) [GBP transferred to EUR account]
EUR 1052.71 + GBP 500.60 + PKR 150000 (update: 15.06.2017)
EUR 1052.71 + GBP 200 + PKR 150000 (update: 14.06.2017)
EUR 237.71 + GBP 200 (update: 05.06.2017)
EUR 00.00 + GBP 200 (update: 23.04.2017)
EUR 00.00 (update: 08.04.2017)

Funds released: EUR 1669.83 + PKR 200000 released (Total 4,10,000 PKR received)

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.