Project Title: Phase II: Sewing machines for poor ladies
APPEC point Person: Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Perpignan, Perpignan France)
Project ID: APPEC-2016-09-24
Proposed by: Haseeb Awan (Islamabad)
Location: Dera Ismail Khan, KPK
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com/ 0092 334 7228447 (Haseeb)

Total funds needed =  300 euros

Summary of the project:
In 2014, we provided 10 sewing machines to poor ladies in Layyah Punjab. This was a very successful project and we got a very positive feedback. Now we are launching second phase of this project. We want to give 5 sewing machine to poor ladies in DI Khan KPK.
The details of these poor families are:
1. Mrs Shazia, she has 4 daughters. She is working in homes but not sufficient for whole family. Elder daughter is 14 years old and doing Aalima course in Madrisa. Her other daughters stay at home as she can not afford their education.
2. Mrs Rahila. A widow with 2 daughters and a son. They even do not have their own home. Only source of income is about 5000 PKR per month earned by the teenager son who is working in a workshop.
3. Mrs Hafiz Atta ur Rehman. Hafiz Atta ur Rehman was an Imam masjid but now a days he is jobless. He started his small shop but got a heavy loss. They have 5 kids.
4. Mrs Naheed Bibi, a widow with one young girl. Working in others homes.
5. Mrs Nawaz. Her children are getting education. She makes hand made crafts at home and sells it in shops.
Your small contribution will help these poor ladies to earn for their families in a respectable manner.

Donations Eligibility:
A part of this project (200 €) is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations. All the families are eligible for zakat but last two families do not want to take zakat money.

Fund Raising:
Target: 300 EUR

Deadline: till completion

How to donate?
You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan or APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:

EUR 00.00 (update: 25.08.2017) (EUR 366.51 released)

EUR 366.51 (update: 19.07.2017)
EUR 32.64 (update: 04.02.2017) + GBP 300 (update: 04.02.2017) [GBP transferred to EUR account]
EUR 22.64 (update: 17.11.2016) + GBP 100 (update: 17.11.2016)
EUR 00.00 (update: 26-09-2016)

Funds released: EUR 366.51 (48200 PKR were received for this project)

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.