Project Title: Helping two families for the marriage of poor girls

Project ID: APPEC-2016-06-12
Proposed by: Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Perpignan, Perpignan France)
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com

Total funds needed=  500 euros (250 euros for each family)

Summary of the project:

Case 1:
Location: Marri khel, Chhidroo, Mianwali
Zareena’s ex-husband is a character less person. Spends most of the time in jail. She is all alone to take care of her 5 children. She works in fields with her daughter to earn something for them. His 14 years old son has started working in a factory. She needs help for the marriage of her elder daughter. APPEC Pakistan’s President himself visited this family last week and confirmed all the details personally.
Case 2:
Location: Chack No 229, Layyah
Muhammad Shareef, was working on a shop for feeding his family (mother, 6 sisters (now all married) and a brother) after the death of his father. A few years ago he got a strange disease and now he is disabled to move. Since than his brother, Muhammad Rafique, 20 years old, is working to feed this whole family. Last month there was marriage of daughter of Muhammad Shareef. They kept it very simple but still they took some loan for this. They need about 250 euros to pay back this loan. Muhammad Haneef, vice president APPEC Pakistan, knows this family personally.

Please contribute generously to contribute in the rehabilitation of these poor people of society and to make life easier for many people.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

Fund Raising:
Target: 500 EUR

Deadline: till completion

How to donate?
You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan or APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Please note that APPEC has CHANGED ITS BANK ACCOUNT since 24th december 2015. Before transferring your donation please ensure that you are using the correct details as given here.

Current status of total funds:
EUR 604.10 (update: 08.07.2016) +  GBP 15 (update: 08.07.2016) 
EUR 270.00 (update: 25.06.2016)
EUR 100.00 (update: 15.06.2016)
EUR 00.00 (update: 12.06.2016)

Funds used for project APPEC-2016-05-28: EUR 100
Funds released: EUR 500 (update: 17.08.2016)
Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 4.10 + GBP 15 (update: 17.08.2016) [GBP 15 -> EUR 17.15 (update: 27.09.2016)]

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.