It has been decided by the APPEC’s executive committee, during the meeting on 24th of January 2016, that APPEC will follow the following rules for transferring the funds to Pakistan. The motivation behind this decision is to minimize the bank transfer fees.

1. The donations received in APPEC’s bank account in France (as well as Paypal) will be transferred first to the APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan.

2. APPEC Pakistan will then transfer the funds, as per instructions from the APPEC’s treasurers, to the bank account provided for a project.

3. An initial plan for the transactions from APPEC France to APPEC Pakistan is as follows:

Transaction-1: End of January
Transaction-2: End of April
Transaction-3: End of July
Transaction-4: End of October

4. If the frequency of the projects increases and there are more than 2000€ of funds to be transferred, the executive committee upon proposal from the treasurers may agree to make a transaction between the above list of transactions.