Project ID: APPEC-2015-01-27
Proposed by: Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Perpignan, Perpignan France)
Location: Chhidroo, Mianwali
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com

Total funds needed=  1650 euros

Summary of the project:

Chhidroo is a remote area in Mianwali surrounded by mountains. Drinking water is a big problem as the under water level is very low (about 350 feet). It is not possible to install the normal water pumps. There was a government tube well which is very old and out of order since many months. The only source is a private irrigation tube well in that area but not always working. So people are installing combined pumps for their areas. The cost for installation with a water tank is nearly two lac. There is an area in Chhidroo (wandha Miana) where the people are very poor and can not afford to contribute for the pump. The women have to travel about 1-2 miles to take water for the family.
So they ask APPEC for help in this regard.

One family agreed to provide the land for the pump, the water tank, and place for animal water drinking. Three families including the one giving land, will contribute for electricity charges and repair charges if needed. It will be free for everyone in that area. No charges for electricity or repair will be asked from other people benefiting from this. At least 130 people will get water from this project.

Please contribute for this project to make life easier for many people.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is not eligible for Zakat.

Fund Raising:
Target: 1650 EUR

Deadline: till completion

How to donate?
You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan or APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:
EUR 1625.53 (update: 29.04.2015) + PKR 15000 (update: 29.04.2015)
EUR 1009.58 (update: 15.04.2015) + PKR 15000 (update: 15.04.2015)
EUR 909.58 (update: 12.04.2015)
EUR 859.58 (update: 09.04.2015)
EUR 803.92 (update: 03.04.2015)
EUR 748.92 (update: 30.03.2015)
EUR 725.02 (update: 20.03.2015)
EUR 512.42 (update: 14.03.2015)
EUR 493.35 (update: 05.03.2015)
EUR 202.38 (update: 27.02.2015)
EUR 162.38 (update: 24.02.2015)
EUR 113.31 (update: 14.02.2015)
EUR 63.31 (update: 09.02.2015)
EUR 53.90 (update: 30.01.2015)
EUR 00.00 (update: 27.01.2015)

Funds released: EUR 1659.50 (update: 01.05.2015)
Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.