Project ID: APPEC-2014-11-30
Proposed by: Adnan Khan Niazi (University of Perpignan, Perpignan France)
Location: Basti Qazi, Tehsil Karoor Lal Eisen, Layyah
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com

Total funds needed =  550 euros

Summary of the project:
Insha Welfare Trust, Craft school (Dastakari school), is an established trust started by Abdul Shukoor and Farooq Sultan in Basti Qazi, Karoor Laal Eisan, Layyah. They started this school from their own money for people of the area. They teach sewing and embroidery (Sillai Karrahi) free of charge  to the women in the area. After the completion of this course, the women can start earning money by working at home if they have their own sewing and/or embroidery machine.
During their last batch, among others, there are four women who completed the course but unable to buy a sewing machine.
Their details are:
1. Fiza Bibi widow of Fida Hussain Marhoom, a widow with 3 children, no real source of income.
2. Anjum D/O Muhammad Ayub, her father is a daily wages worker.
3. Khurshid D/O Allah Bakhsh, her father is a daily wages worker.
4. Rizwana D/O Fiaz Hussain, her father is a Rikshaw driver.
So this, first part of this project is to provide 4 sewing machines to these poor women.
Moreover, we are going to arrange, 6 more machines that will be kept in school and will be given to the needy women after completion of course. They will return the money in 4 months which will be used to buy new machines for needy women the next batch. In this way a circle will be started and women can start just after completion of course and can return money by using these machines.
(Note: these machines will NOT be used in school for teaching purpose as it is already fully equipped and totally free for everyone, both for poor and rich.)

Donations Eligibility:
The first part of this project (200 €) is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations. The remaining part is not eligible for Zakat. So if you are donating Zakat, please ask before donating.

Fund Raising:
Target: 550 EUR

Deadline: till completion

How to donate?
You can send your donations to APPEC’s bank account in France, APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan or APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:
EUR 643.04 (update: 20.01.2015)
EUR 553.04 (update: 19.01.2015)
EUR 461.84 (update: 16.01.2015)
EUR 408.80 (update: 12.01.2015)
EUR 333.80 (update: 01.01.2015)
EUR 293.80 (update: 30.12.2014)
EUR 265.32 (update: 27.12.2014)
EUR 215.32 (update: 23.12.2014)
EUR 120.77 (update: 21.12.2014)
EUR 82.63 (update: 12.12.2014)
EUR 53.90 (update: 07.12.2014)
EUR 23.90 (update: 01.12.2014)
EUR 0.00 (update: 30.11.2014)

Funds released: EUR 559.50 (update: 20.01.2015)
Used for APPEC fund for bank expenses: EUR 83.54 (update: 05.06.2017)
Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil (update: 05.06.2017)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.