Project ID: APPEC-2013-12-22

Proposed by: Dr. Ijaz Haider Naqvi, Assistant Professor, LUMS, Lahore.

Contact: ijaz haider naqvi[at the rate]gmail[dot]com,


I would like to request APPEC donors to help a  poor wife of a Driver named Muhammad Sabir. She recently delivered a baby girl (in house through a maid) which triggered an infection and high fever. The doctors at Lahore General Hospital (LGH) later on diagnosed that her liver is not fully functional and two of her heart valves are also blocked but this hospital did not admit her to the general medicine ward. They managed to get her admitted to Services Hospital, Lahore. The doctors say that if her liver starts functioning properly there is a chance that the heart valves may get de-blocked by themselves. Otherwise she will require a bypass operation which costs around Rs. 240,000. The estimated cost  of general laboratory tests and medicines is around Rs. 50,000.

The medical documents and receipts will be made available upon request.


Target: 100, 000 PKR ~=700 €

Deadline: 31st December 2013

Donations Eligibility:
The person is eligible to receive Zakat.

Please click here for your donation and please DO NOT FORGET to drop an e-mail to “” with your name, project id and amount donated.

Current status of fund raising:
EUR 0/= (Funds from project APPEC-2013-11-27: EUR 359.55/=)
EUR 359.55/= (update: 27.12.2013)
EUR 700/= (update: 27.12.2013)

Funds released: EUR 690/= + EUR 9.10/= (update: 27.12.2013)
Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 0.90/=


This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.