Project ID: APPEC-2012-02-20
Proposed by: Naeem Ullah (Director Parwarish)
Location: Golden Colony, G.T. Road, Qambar Swat
Direct Contact: –  +92-946-629123, 711303, 03327-711303, 03156-711303


Parwarish ( at Qambar (Swat region)  is an orphan based institution, founded on November 09, 2009 for war affected orphans. There are 138 orphan students who are facilitated with accommodation and standard primary education.

For the year 2012 APPEC provided books, stationery and school bags to orphan children of Parwarish. Once again they requested for help for the new academic session. The cost of books are proposed as under:

Cost for Books and Stationary for Parwarish

APPEC has signed aggrement with Parwarish to provide books to 138 students in order to help these under-privileged children of the ill-fated area.



Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.


727.94 €

Funds from project APPEC-2012-06-20: EUR 727.94/= (update: 2013-03-05)

 Funds released: EUR 729.10/= (update: 06.03.2013)

Funds remaining with APPEC: Nil

Acknowledgement receipt


This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.