Project ID:   APPEC-2013-01-22

Proposed by:  Sajjad Ali Mushtaq (Asst. Professor/Manager R&D COMSATS Pakistan, Email, Cell: +923154990008)

Location of the effected person: Mohallah opper Wala, Post Office Sanghoi, Tehsil and District Jehlum

Contact # of the effete: +923369006924


This call is for Mr. Talib Husain who is in his early fifties having three sons and a daughter living hand to mouth while he was healthy and capable of working, but unfortunately he got injured badly and the wound became more complicated when he was not able to get proper treatment due to lack of financial support, additionally the dependents suffered a lot during that time span and still they are …..

Mr. Talib Hussain is trying to save his leg in order to be able to work and to support his family again and he got accumulated all his possible resources and have been able to go through two operations but his third operation is due now but it is getting delayed due to unavailability of funds. Moreover his family is in a miserable condition as they have lost the only source of income due to his illness, even when some people here at COMSATS asked him to come over here so that they can help, he even doesn’t have the resources to move from Jhelum.

People from COMSATS were feeling sorry while looking at his condition and they helped accordingly but he needs more financial support. The estimated amount needed for the medical treatment and for basic support for the dependents is 1000 Euros.

Donation eligibility:

The person is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

Fund raising:

Target: 1000 EUR

Deadline: till completion

Current status of total funds:

EUR 1000.14/= (update: 19.02.2013)

EUR 940.14/= (update: 16.02.2013)

EUR 918.27/= (update: 08.02.2013)

EUR 858.27/= (update: 07.02.2013)

EUR 665.32/= (update: 31.01.2013)

EUR 617.27/= (update: 30.01.2013)

EUR 367.27/= (update: 30.01.2013)

EUR 133.9/= (update: 26.01.2013)

EUR 78.90/= (update: 24.01.2013)

Funds from APPEC-2013-01-07: EUR 78.9/= (update: 23.01.2013)

Funds released: EUR 1000/= (update: 06.03.2013)

Remaining funds with APPEC: Nil

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.

How to donate?

Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.