Project ID:  APPEC-2013-01-07
Proposed by:  Adnan Khan Niazi (PhD student, Strasbourg France)
Location: Village in the vicinity of Mianwali
Contact: adnan1753 AT yahoo DOT com


This call is for helping Seyadaan BIBI (speech-impaired) whose husband died about 7 years ago, leaving behind four young children. Till now she somehow managed to earn the bread and butter for her family by working in fields for other people  during harvesting of wheat and other crops. Recently she has been diagnosed diabetic. She is now unable to work in such fields as blood clots very slowly even after minor cuts.  
Her children are school going and are pursuing their education in public schools.
She really needs financial help so that:
1)      She can do some arrangement for the marriage of her eldest daughter.
2)       She has no earning member to support her, and currently relatives are helping for her day to day expenses. But it is un-natural to expect one family to continue to feed the other forever. So a permanent source of income is needed.
3)      For her medical treatment
My uncle Hakim Khan, has visited the place and has himself met Seyadaan BIBI, her children and her neighbors. The only possibility in that remote area for that family is that if they have a cow than they can have a reliable continuous source of income. In that way she could financially become self reliant, get medical treatment for her diabetes, continue the education of her children, and hence could have a dignified life.
The estimated amount needed for buying a cow, marriage of the daughter, education of children and her medical treatment is around 1300 euros.
She is eligible for Zakat.

Donations Eligibility: 

The person is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

Fund Raising:

Target: 1300 EUR

Deadline: till completion


Current status of total funds:

EUR 1388/= (update: 23.01.2013)

EUR 1338/= (update: 22.01.2013)
EUR 1095.98/= (update: 18.01.2013)
EUR 1065.98/= (update: 14.01.2013)
EUR 710.55/= (update: 11.01.2013) 
EUR 701.14/= (update: 10.01.2013)
EUR 178.73/= (update: 09.01.2013)
EUR 100/= (update: 08.01.2013)
EUR 0/= (update: 07.01.2013)
Funds released: EUR 1309.1/= (update: 24.01.2013)
Funds used for project APPEC-2013-01-22: EUR 78.90/= (update: 24.01.2013)
Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 0/=
This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.

How to donate?

Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.