Project ID: APPEC-2012-02-20
Proposed by: Sabawoon Welfare Foundation (Jasim Ali advocate)
Location: Sakhakot Malakand, KPK, Pakistan
Direct Contact:[@] – +92-300-9025127, +92-333-8720600, +92-932-310-477


Parwarish at Qambar (Swat region)  is an orphan based institution, founded on November 09, 2009 for war affected orphans. During the period 2009-10, forty children were admitted at Parwarish, while 20 boys and 16 girls were admitted in 2011. Additional 25 children have been admitted in 2012. Now the total strength has reached to 101. The children are facilitated with suitable accommodation, food and education.

The new session has started on February 01, 2012, but they are in short of funds to manage basic material for education. In this regard, Parwarish has requested APPEC to raise funding in order to provide books, school bags and stationery for these children. The estimated cost is around 200,000 PKR for the 101 students from Nursery level to 4th standard. The breakdown of cost has been provided in the report linked below:

Cost for books and stationary

APPEC has signed aggrement with Parwarish and launched this project in order to help the under-privileged children of the ill-fated area. Please donate generously for this noble cause.

MoU signed between APPEC and Parwarish

2000 €

Donation Eligibility
This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.

Donations Summary:
Target: EUR 2000/=
Deadline: 01-04-2012

Funds used from project APPEC-2012-02-01: EUR 308.34/=

Funds raised: EUR 2231.29/= (updated: 06 April 2012)

Funds released: EUR 2009.10/= (updated: 11 April 2012)

funds used for project APPEC-2012-06-24: EUR 222.19/=

Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 0/= (updated: 19.07.2012)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated !

Receipt of Funds Transfer