Initial Project ID: APPEC-2011-09-20
Revised Project ID: APPEC-2012-01-06
Proposed by: Shafqat Saleem, Final Year Student University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Summary: Fundraising for treatment of Cancer Patient

This fundraising is being launched for the treatment of a patient (mother of a student at UET Taxila) currently being treated at Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital, Lahore. The family is not in the condition to bear the medical expenses.

The student’s mother was diagnosed with skin cancer about 7 months ago.

The doctor at SKMCH had advised 8 cycles of chemotherapy with dose reduction from 5 to 15% in subsequent sessions. 5 cycles have been successfully completed. After the 6th cycle, the doctor will take the decision about the operation.

Cost already incurred for treatment so far —> Rs. 469,000 (through independent fundraising)

This cost doesn’t include fees paid for Biopsy and other tests before enrolment at the hospital.
Medical Report and Payment Receipts of Rs. 449,000 have been provided by the contact person and could be provided on request.

Estimated expenses for operation —> Rs. 250,000 ~ 350,000

Further funds collected through independent campaign —> Rs. 130,000

Contact Person:

Shafqat Saleem

Phone: 00923137017022

New Medical reports and payment receipts

Please note that APPEC has already collected and released an initial estimate of 2000€, however patient had to undergo two additional cycles of chemotherapy with each cycle costing 54000,  so further amount is required to cover the remaining treatment expenditures.

How to donate?

Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to  with your name, project id and amount donated.

Donations can be made directly to following account in Pakistan as well.

Account title: SHAFQAT SALEEM
Account Number: 19157900091803
Bank: Habib Bank Limited

Donation Summary

Initial Target amount: 2000 Euros

Initial Target date: 31th October 2011

Initially Released Funds: EUR 2009.10/= (updated: 05.11.2011)

Revised Target Amount =  3000 – 2000 (already collected) = 1000 €

New  Target = 1000€

Revised Target Date= 20-01-2012

Funds raised: EUR 1140.21/= (updated: 17.01.2012)

Funds released: EUR 999.6/= (updated: 17.01.2012)

Funds used for project APPEC-2012-02-01 : EUR 140.61/=

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated!