Project IDAPPEC-2011-08-30

Proposed by: Dr. Ahmed Jawad QURESHI

Location: Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
Direct Contactshafiuddin[@]live.comjawad.qureshi[@]

A bed-ridden disabled person is struggling against life threatening stage-IV pressure sores. He  urgently needs your financial support  for the life saving surgery.
3000 €, to be disbursed for critical primary surgeries and  hospitalization.

Please donate generously for the cause of saving this person’s life who is disabled from waist down due to spinal cord injury since 1985 after a hit and run car accident. This person has lived his life independently and with dignity, winning bread and butter for his family of four children since his accident. However since last 9 years, due to extended sitting, he started having pressure wounds on his both hips. In spite of the treatment, his sores progressively increased and started aggravating. Doctors advised him to leave job which he couldn’t due to the family situation.  Currently he is forced to leave his job as his sores have deteriorated to a point where the wounds have progressed to the depth of the hip bones. The patient is forced to be bed-ridden to prevent a total deterioration to the wounds.
The wounds also have sustained blood loss leaving the patient highly anemic. A regular blood transfusion process is required to retain a minimum level of hemoglobin in the patient to enable him to undergo treatment. This is regularly carried out with the help of family donors and Fatimid foundation.
I had a chance to visit him in person recently and see his sores. His miserable situation has left me greatly disturbed. Major part of his hips is now nothing but lumps of flesh with sores extending as deep as 5 inches into his body exposing bones, flesh and tendons. Due to mistreatment at the hands of a surgeon one of his wounds had punctured the digestive tract which was repaired after extensive surgery. His situation has worsened to a life threatening point. Due to total degeneration of the hips, he has serious problems even defecating and urinating which cause further complications due to infections.

The doctor has prescribed surgery to disinfect and cleanse the pressure sores, which would then be subsequently treated through a series of operations to close and reconstruct the deep wounds. The patient has 4 children, all of whom are studying. The children are aged 19 (daughter), 16 (son), 11 (daughter) and 6 years (son) who need financial support for their livelihood and education.

In order to pull this family and the person out of sheer excruciating pain and poverty and ensure a durable sustenance for them, it is necessary that he undertakes a hospitalized treatment that removes the dead parts of his body and that he undergoes re-constructive surgery on his hips. The first set of surgeries has been done with the expense of Rs. 100,000/=, whose report is available at your disposal.

Report of first set of surgeries

This project is eligible to receive Zakat, Sadaqah and other forms of donations.

The total medical expenses (including only surgeries and hospitalization) : PKR 600 000


Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.

Donations can be made directly to following account in Pakistan as well.

Name of Account : Shafiuddin Qureshi
Current Account # 02110050865501
Bank : Habib Bank Limited
Branch: Cantonment Multan
Addres: Quaid-e-Azam Shopping Centre
City: Multan

Donations Summary:

Target: EUR 3000/=
Current status: EUR 2741.41/= (updated: 01.10.2011)


PKR 53152/= (updated: 01.10.2011)

Funds released: EUR 2749.91/= (updated: 02.10.2011)


PKR 53152/=

funds used for project APPEC-2012-06-24: 59.85/=

Remaining funds with APPEC: EUR 0/= (updated: 19.07.2012)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.
