Project ID: APPEC-2011-08-22
proposed by: Dr. Muhammad Arshad (NUST Islamabad)

This project is a continuation of APPEC-2010-07-09

updates from previous phase of project:


APPEC had approved Rs. 25000 for a brilliant student Ali Raza, last year. Out of which, I have received only Rs. 20000. In an email, I was asked to give contact details to receive an amount of Rs. 5000 through Jamal Malik Foundation but to-date no body has contacted in this regard. The details of amount released to Ali Raza through me are followings:

At the time of admission= Rs. 10500
October 2010               = Rs. 1500
November 2010            = Rs. 2000
December 2010            = Rs. 1000
January 2011                = Rs. 2000
February 2011              = Rs. 1800
March 2011                  = Rs. 2000

Total                            = Rs. 20,800

All the installements were provided on his demande and requirement. In some months, he has not asked as he got some money from govt. scholarship/Family. So this partial support was very helpful for him to complete his first year. Now, he is in 2nd year FSc and waiting for our help. If APPEC manages another Rs. 20000 for him, I think he will complete his FSc. I will be waiting for a quick response as I have to inform the student whether APPEC will continue or not to support him.

With best regards,



APPEC advisory has approved one more year of scholarship for the student.

Target: EUR 200/=

Current status: EUR 200/= (updated: 22.08.2011)

Funds released: EUR 200/= (updated: 05.11.2011)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.


Please click here for your donation and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.