Project ID: APPEC-2011-06-10

Proposed by: Mrs. Kamran, PhD scholar, Netherlands


Call for donations for the treatment of a woman needs to be operated for Tibia Fibula


This is a call for donations to support the treatment of a 34-year old woman who needs to undergo a surgical operation for Tibia Fibula. Both her legs were seriously injured in a road accident few years back. She is married but has no children. After the accident, she lost her ability to walk, and so her husband has left on her own.

She is currently living with her parents. Her father is retired and is not in a position to support
her medical expenses. Her operation was scheduled for 10th of June, 2011, but was postponed due to unavailability of funds.

We require an estmated amount of € 1200 until 20th of June for her treatment. Please note that the person is eligible for Zakat donations.

Medical Expense Report

Medical Expense Report

A medical expense report is attached. For any further queries regarding this project you can contact Mrs. Kamran at

Fund Raising:

Target: 1200 EUR (Deadline: 20.06.11)

Funds raised: EUR 1347.04/= (updated: 23.06.11)

Funds released: EUR 1219.10/= (23.06.2011)

P.S. EUR 127.94/= are used for project “APPEC-2011-06-02″.

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.


Please click here for your generous donations and drop an e-mail to with your name and amount donated.