Project ID: APPEC-2010-12-17

Proposed by: M. Umer Hayyat (France)


There is a woman, a private school teacher in Pakistan, having two children. Presently she is going through a financial crisis as she has to pay Rs. 80,000 as a loan, and needs about Rs. 100,000 for repair/reconstruction of her house, as all doors and windows have been eaten up by insects, whereas roof is near to collapse.

The total amount needed to help her out to come out from this crisis is Rs. 180,000 (One Lac and Eighty Thousand Rupees)

Current Status: 1147.60 EUR (updated: 08.02.2011)

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.


Target Amount: 1000 EUR

Deadline: Feb 10, 2011

Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to with your name, project id and amount donated.