Project launched  : 10th of January 2010
Project completed: 14th of January 2010

10th of January 2010, APPEC received an appeal from an HEC scholar (who we personally know) for launching a donation campaign for paying off the debt of a family in Pakistan. The family was afraid of facing dare circumstances in case of delay in paying off the debt. Keeping in view the sensitive nature of the project and the need to respond urgently, APPEC decided to launch an inhouse donation collection campaign. After the required planning and verification a call for donation was launched the same day. Jazak’Allah to all the donors for their generous response.  Alhamdulilah, 13th of January the target of €700 was achieved. A sum of Rs: 83511 was transacted to Pakistan on 14th of Januray. The next day APPEC recieved an acknowledgement and bundles of prayers from the family who successfully got rid off their debt.

We wish a happy and prosperous life to this family, Allahumma ameen!