149. Helping a poor old man for medical treatment of her diabetic patient wife

Project ID: APPEC-2020-05-01

APPEC Project Number: 149
APPEC Point person: Dr. Adnan Khan Niazi
Location: Faisalabad
Contact: 0092 343 6883510
Estimated Funds needed: 680 euros


Baba Aslam, 60, sells banana’s near clock tower Faisalabad on bicycle. He is too old to work for long time. Her wife is sugar patient and every month they have to buy sugar medicine (insulin) of about 9000. They are badly affected in this COVID-19 Pandemic.
He need help to continue her wife’s treatment. We will collect for one year and will give them on monthly basis

Please help this poor old man to continue the treatment of her wife. All the reports can be provided on demand.

Donations Eligibility:
This project is ELIGIBLE to receive Zakat.

How to donate?
You can send your donations APPEC’s bank account in Pakistan or APPEC’s Paypal account.
Please click here for your donations and drop an e-mail to treasurers.appec@gmail.com with your name and amount donated.

Current status of total funds:

EUR 00.00 (update: 01-06-2020) (Funds released: PKR 120,000 )

PKR 120,000 (update: 01-06-2020) (EUR 6.75 and PKR 12,713.67 transferred to Project No. 123)

EUR 6.75 + PKR 132,713.67 (update: 01-06-2020)

EUR 00.00 (update: 01-05-2020)

Funds released: 120000 PKR

Funds remaining with APPEC: NIL

This project is no more open for donations. BEFORE DONATING, please contact treasurers.appec@gmail.com, to confirm if your donation could actually be accommodated.